Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Coming to Terms with the Color RED

Celebrating the color RED!

Red represents life and vitality as it signifies a symbol of energy and radiancy!  "We" - being the intelligent women that we are - already know this.  However, the color red can still be intimidating to some of us.  Knowing that red attracts attention, some of us shy away from wearing it entirely.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Our Proudest Moment!

Independence Day – Our Proudest Moment!

July 4, 1776 is truly America’s proudest day in history. 

It is the day when the Declaration of Independence was federally adopted, declaring independence for the United States from the Kingdom of Great Britian’s message to you on this wonderful Holiday is:

 “Never take your freedom for granted – it was difficult for those before us to get us to where we are now – let us not unintentionally lose our own personal first place.”
“Find your peace, be fully present, and appreciate all that is in your life right now.”